Open office benching solutions in Philadelphia aren’t as hard to find as you might think. In fact, we have some excellent advice for you about the benefits of open office benching systems that might help you determine how best to utilize them in your office space.

At we endeavor to provide our readers with the most up-to-date office furniture information and resources. We want your business to grow and that means helping you determine the furniture that best suits you while simultaneously helping you find that furniture at a reasonable price.

This goal of ours is what led us to talk with EthoSource based in Morgantown, PA. They aren’t just a furniture liquidator, but are also able to provide you with top brands at significant savings. And, they offered some great advice about open office benching.

Open Office Benching Solutions in Philadelphia 

Open Office Benching is Beneficial

Today’s office environments look significantly different from the cubicle laden designs that proliferated the 20th century. The drive to enhance team spirit, foster collaboration, and inspire creativity has led to a movement that many call the “open office.”

Open offices, especially when paired with benching systems, can provide a great deal of benefits to both your company and those in your employ. We’d like to delineate those benefits for you so that you can see how open office benching can be the solution to your Philadelphia-based business, or wherever you are housed. Here’s our list:

  • No walls allow for more communication. Traditional cubicles were great for a semblance of privacy, but they did a lot of damage in the world of staff communication. Better communication equates with higher morale. People who like where they work are more productive and successful in their positions. Benches give them the ability to improve the flow of information, bounce ideas off one another, and collaborate on projects.
  • Benches offer a good deal of flexibility. Since they come in a somewhat modular form, you can readily configure them to meet the desired effect in any space. You don’t have to stick with a one-size-fits-all design and can rearrange whenever you think the change will be most beneficial to the atmosphere. Benches are an incredibly efficient use of space, and their adaptability will increase staff engagement.
  • They can be paired with other office designs. We understand that there are still some people on the payroll that will need significant privacy. This could be due to their job titles or their personalities. Thankfully, benching solutions offer you the ability to add them to areas where cubicles or offices are not needed. So, you can ultimately have the best of both worlds. These benches can be a place for meetings and teamwork for those who are suited for that while not negating the value of independent work.
  • Benches are a cure for the old methods of office design. You can pair desks with filing cabinets and storage benches in L-shaped designs that give you everything you need in a reconfigurable space while providing you with that much needed collaboration we have already addressed.

If your business prides itself on team integration or values a good deal of communication and employee engagement, open office benching solutions are a great way to attain your desires. They are pieces of furniture that will perfectly fit your goals and company attitude.